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# So, What is a Web Browsers Add-on?

A web browser add-on, plugin or extension is a software component able to change the web browser user interface (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer) without directly affecting original content of a website. Add-ons enable customization being capable of adding specific new features to existing search-engines (e.g. Google search engine), social media networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr) or any other website viewable from a web browser.


# What is the Add-Knowledge Add-on Tutorial Collection?

The Add-Knowledge Add-on Tutorial Collection consists of a service which integrates a website and a compilation of add-ons and whose purpose is to invite users to uncover and learn about the structures of power and domination in the context of Web 2.0. The Tutorial Collection aims to invite users to reflect critically upon taken-for-granted realities such as our participation in the production and consumption of data.


The Tutorial Collection Add-ons design is based in three principles:

1. Uncover. Add-Knowledge Add-ons are designed to provide users with an understanding of the level at what they are participating in the Web 2.0 system by supplying a personal unique interaction embedded in their daily online routine.

2. Learn. Each add-on gives access to a tutorial organized in 10 tips. The tutorials tips seek to transfer knowledge, regarding a specific concept, by explaining through examples grounded in the user personal experience.

3. Share. With the aim of fostering the dissemination of knowledge, Add-Knowledge Add-ons facilitate the sharing of content through social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google + or Pinterest. Users are provided with tools for social interactions or content dissemination such as vote, comment or share. In addition, each add-on embraces the users’ paranoid narcissist state and create intriguing and powerful personalized portraits which the users can share through out the social media to hand out the concepts they find relevant to its network..


The Tutorial Collection Add-ons ultimate goal is to energize users and spark debate about our hopes and fears for alternative digital futures.


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# How the Add-ons Work?

Add-on Tutorials generally proceed as follow:

1. The user access the collection of add-ons from the Add-Knowledge Add-on Tutorial Collection website.

2. The website guides the user to install the add-on in its Firefox and/or Chrome web browser from the Firefox and/or Chrome add-on store.

3. The activation of the add-on gives the user access to a series of visualizations that show and explain its web browser hidden activity purposes.

4. The visualizations facilitate touch points that give access to one tutorial tip at the time with a total of 10 tips per add-on tutorial.

5. At any time the user is given the possibility of sharing any of the information supply by the tutorial and of participating in discussions related to the tutorial content.

6. At unexpected moments the user is given rewards in the form of unique personalised visual portraits that can be shared throughout its social media network to reinforce the understanding of the tutorial content.

7. Once the 10 tips have been visualized the user is given the opportunity to repeat the tutorial, or move to additional add-ons tutorials.

# What is the Approach?

The collection is in essence ideological. It disavows the belief that Web 2.0 is apolitical, objective, and value-neutral. It firmly questions that the Web 2.0 serves the interests of a wealthy elité who have succeeded in convincing most people that those elité interests are also the interests of society at large.

Add-ons present specific issues in the form of strong images and interactions enabling users to explore ethical and social issues within the context of everyday life. The critical add-ons design aims to challenge the assumptions and conceptions about our role and participation in the Web 2.0 and shift the discussion from one of abstract generalities to tangible examples grounded in our everyday life experiences.

Suspicion, irony, and provocation are key to facilitate a playful and ludic experience with the aim of involving anyone and not just the niche of experts who already are intellectually and technologically very engaged and up-to-date with these topics. In this way, everyone can take part in the debate creating a dialogue between the public and the experts to ensure that the most desirable futures are the most likely to become reality.


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