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A collection of add-ons leveraging the Web 2.0 to expose structures of power and domination

in the context of social media networks.

The Add-Knowledge Add-on Tutorial Collection consists of a service which integrates a website and a compilation of add-ons and whose purpose is to invite users to uncover and learn about the structures of power and domination in the context of Web 2.0. The Tutorial Collection aims to invite users to reflect critically upon taken-for-granted realities such as our participation in the production and consumption of data.


The Add-Knowledge Add-on Tutorial Collection ultimate goal is to energize users and spark debate about our hopes and fears for alternative digital futures. To know reality in order to better transform it:

Download the add-ons now!


Add-Knowledge Add-on Tutorial Collection platform is part of an ongoing research project. The website and the add-ons are low-fi prototypes of a concept and currently they are in beta. For a better experience, it is recommended to view the webpage from Chrome web browser in "presentation mode": 

Chrome toolbar > View > Enter Presentation Mode


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